Let’s start the debate! This reimagined poll features head-to-head voting.
Cats or dogs? Chocolate or vanilla? Remote or in-person? Versus is the ultimate way to poll your audience on two answers and see both sides battle it out in real time! As soon as a participant makes their choice it moves the battle on screen with real time percentages, ensuring everyone can feel the intensity and importance of their vote.
Poll your audience on a binary question and let them decide the winning side. As the event progresses, ask the question again to see if thoughts have changed.
Feel the
The fight between both sides unfolds in front of everyone, live! Watch on the big screen as participant's votes moves each side back and forth in real time.
Vote With
Versus is extremely customizable. Build your debate stage with your own logos, messaging, colors and even gifs to bring your question to life.
Learn About Your Audience
Versus allows you to check the pulse of your audience. Savvy presenters can use this data to adjust their event to be more relevant to the attendees.

Features of Versus
Duelbox provides you with the power to make your game exactly what you want.
Player’s answers move the needle on the big screen in real time so everyone can see the effect of their vote.
Unlimited Questions
Ask as many questions as you’d like! You can even ask the same question before and after a presentation.
Make it your own by changing color schemes, adding images throughout, and custom taglines.
In-Person or Virtual
No matter if your attendees are in-personal, virtual, or a mix, everyone can participate in real time.
One visible, big screen shows your two sides battle, while participants vote on their own device.
Analyze Afterwards
Learn from your event by accessing all of the results and data from your games once they've ended.
Fighting for a Little Inspiration?
Take a look at a few ways you can incorporate Versus into your next event.
Not every debate needs to be heated! Versus is a fun icebreaker to kick off an event. Engage your audience with a light question.
Grade the
Have two speakers lay out their arguments for opposing sides. Poll the audience before and afterwards to see how attitudes shift.
Choose Your
Own Adventure
Host an interactive event where the audience is polled at different points to decide what comes next for a speaker or character.
How Does It Work?
Creating your Versus game is easy. Leave the challenge to the debating sides.